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Christian Privilege

I've worn a Christian tee shirt just about every day since August, 2009. That's over ten years, if you're keeping score at home. At this point, I couldn't imagine not wearing one. It's a privilege to shine for Jesus, and I don't want to miss out on any opportunity to do so. We never know how our witness, even a slight impression, might impact someone in the public square. 

The images on T-sciple shirts are meant to bust through the prevailing darkness we live in. In the unseen world, the name of Jesus reigns supreme. All authority has been given to the Son, which the devil and his minions know full well.  The name of Jesus is supernaturally charged in a way that might get lost on us, here in America. 

It's hard for us to fathom, but believers in some countries are being killed, maimed and tortured for the public display of their faith in, and love for, Christ. Obviously, much of this persecution comes at the hands of Muslims. But In Russia, too, public evangelism is illegal. In China, some Christians are subjected to constant government surveillance and harassment.  While these accounts are heartbreaking, Jesus warns us, going in, that serving him puts us at odds with the world. 

Your public display of affection for Jesus is a huge privilege. Here in the US, at least for now, wearing a Christ-honoring shirt is still legal. To me, we all look better in clothes that testify to the greatness of Jesus Christ. In addition to having made Jesus lord of my life, he is also lord over what I wear, my fashion sense. 

It's our goal, here at, to equip the body of Christ with great looking shirts that also testify to the greatness of the Risen King.  

Anyone else out there want to shine for Jesus? 

In a small way, wearing T-sciple gear contributes to the effort. 

Happy t-scipling! 




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