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Batter Up!

My guilty pleasure is baseball. Practices and games included, my kids played at least a thousand times and I was there for just about every one of them. I liked the game so much I started (and sold) a baseball brand. My kids are far-removed from Little League fields but I still marvel at the fluid motion of a big league hitter. One of the fundamental tenets of hitting a pitched ball is to "keep your eye" on it. 

Paul must have enjoyed games too, as he often uses sports analogies to describe the challenges facing Christians. Although there were no Major League teams to pull for, he imagined himself as a wrestler, boxer, fighter, and runner. After surviving affliction and persecution that would have silenced most of us, Paul had learned that, like a big league hitter, the believer's secret to success is to keep eyes focused on Jesus.

In the spirit of Paul's lessons, we're introducing a line of baseball-raglan shirts that feature, not team names, but images of Jesus and lesser Bible heroes. These shirts juxtapose Christian values onto shirts that typically celebrate star players on secular teams. 

Love it! 

The idea is that you, my friend, are in a game that carries much more value than baseball. Every day, you're playing on a very big stage in front of God and  countless saints who, from the vantage of eternity, are watching to see how well you swing the bat. 

Despite what you may have learned otherwise, following Jesus is not a spectator sport. You are a priest and evangelist and bear the name of Jesus in the public square. To whom much is given, much is required. 

On an average day, I see lots of folks wearing all kinds of sports jerseys. They're invested in their teams and want to identify with them. 

Why not pay Jesus the same kind of due?

Put on a T-sciple baseball shirt, grab your bat and keep your eye on Jesus. 

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